For roof decks that are covered with 2 to 6 inches of insulation.
Model GPI is for use on flat roofs, GPIP for pitched roofs and GPIR is available for ridged (double pitched) roofs
1-inch insulation from outside air
Curbs are perfectly formed on three sides and have only one welded seam to ensure a strong square curb
Wood nailers attached to GPI curbs consist of notched and lapped joints to ensure strength and durability
Ridged fiberglass insulation is standard on all curbs in this category; the insulation is securely attached at both the top and bottom with an insulation tray so it will not have any exposed ends
2 or 5-inch flashing flange
Heights of 12 to 42 inches
For use in non-kitchen applications, designed to hold a standard Accurex damper; flanges allow the damper to be placed in the tray and fastened
Rigid fiberglass insulation is optional on all curbs
Optional liner keeps insulation protected from airstream